Archive for November, 2009

Sitting pretty

Lounge chairs

We have a variety of seating in the new branch, from lounge chairs to “laptop” chairs to study tables. Some pictures below and come in and enjoy!

Deb Thomas, Deputy Chief Librarian

Laptop chairs

Study Tables


November 19, 2009 at 8:40 pm 2 comments

Pictures of the Inside

For those who haven’t yet visited the new Tommy Douglas Library, here are a few pictures of what it looks like inside. Comments are that it is light and airy, bright and welcoming.

Deb Thomas, Deputy Chief

Our green wall

Computer commons and adult books

November 19, 2009 at 8:30 pm 2 comments

A common question…

Staff report that the most frequently asked question about the new building is “why is it so tall when it is only one story?”  Since this is question we’ve been fielding since the first drawings of the new building were made public, we asked Derek Newby at CEI Architects (one of the partners along with Diamond & Schmitt who designed the building) to explain this design choice.  His response follows:

“The height of the ceiling in the main room of the library was driven by a number of considerations.   Significantly, the ceiling height has to do with making the interior feel welcoming and comfortable.  The main library space is a large room, and was designed to serve a variety of roles while being very open and interconnected.  The high ceiling helps to make the size of the room feel united.  Also, given the importance of the site as it faces Kingsway, the scale of the building from the street was considered.  As an important public institution in the City, the shape and height of the building was composed to make it be commensurate with its significance.
Beyond this, the high ceiling also contributes to the daylighting of the space by allowing high-level light from the clerestory windows to penetrate across the room.  The added height also improves the ability to naturally ventilate the space – automated windows at the high level can open to allow hot air to escape, exploiting natural convective forces.”

Thanks Derek!

Deb Thomas, Deputy Chief Librarian

November 18, 2009 at 8:26 pm Leave a comment


The new Tommy Douglas Library had its soft opening today and staff report a high level of activity. Borrowers are queuing up at the new self-checkout machine and snapping up our new “playaways” – MP3 audiobooks that allow  you to just plug in your earbuds and play a book. Excited children are exploring the new kids computers (8 of them), study areas and realia benches. Adults are enjoying the light and colour, the comfortable seating, the plentiful computers and the ability to borrow books, DVDs, etc from their local branch once again.

Come on in and experience it for yourself! (and be kind to our harried staff…it’s really busy!)

The Kingsway Staff

November 17, 2009 at 12:47 am 6 comments

Be patient with us!

We’ve had lots of folks trying to get into the new library because it looks so finished from the Kingsway side of the building. It’s not so tidy in other areas as we are still unpacking boxes and organizing spaces. Please be patient with us while we make sure the library is truly ready to welcome you. Watch for a sign in the front window that says “We are open.”

For those monitoring the progress of the new branch through this blog  who are curious about the inside, we encourage you to come and visit us. If you aren’t nearby enough to do that, check the website later in the month. Once the library is open, we will post pictures of spaces and furnishings.

We’re tired but excited!

Deb Thomas

Deputy Chief Librarian

November 4, 2009 at 9:30 pm 8 comments


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